Sorry. Your search did not match any active Crucial part numbers or configuration IDs.


如果您將原有的硬碟複製到新的 SSD 之後,除了聲音以外一切運作正常,您可以試試以下幾個步驟,即可在不使用可開機救援磁碟重新複製的狀況下,嘗試修復此問題。這些步驟適用於 Windows® 10。 

  1. 開啟裝置管理員(按下「Windows」按鈕後按「X」,接著選擇「裝置管理員」
  2. 展開「系統裝置」,尋找出錯的音效裝置(以黃色或紅色驚嘆號顯示)


  1. 按右鍵並選擇「內容」
  1. 選擇「驅動程式」分頁
  1. 選擇「更新驅動程式」
  1. 選擇「瀏覽電腦上的驅動程式軟體」
  1. Select 'Let me pick from list of available drivers on my computer'
  2. It should quickly return with a list of drivers.
  3. Select your sound card driver and complete whatever prompts appear
  4. Within seconds, there should be a new item in the Device Manager listed as 'SOUND, VIDEO and GAME CONTROLLERS' and the speaker in tray (bottom right) will now be functional.

If these steps do not fix the sound issue, or you do not have the options listed in this guide, please contact us directly and we would be happy to help further.  

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