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Crucial P3 Plus 1TB PCIe M.2 2280 SSD

Crucial P3 Plus 由美光精心打造,採用最新的 Gen4 NVMe 技術,擁有充足的容量,為多數 Gen3 系統提供靈活的向下相容性。
  • 實實在在的 Crucial 產品
  • 免費送貨
  • 45 天退貨政策
  • 隨需提供支援
Crucial P3 Plus 1TB PCIe M.2 2280 SSD
Crucial X9 SSD 行動圖片
Crucial X9 行動影像與筆記型電腦
插入筆記型電腦中的 Crucial X9 影像


  • 與您的 PC、Mac、平板電腦、遊戲主機、Android 等裝置相容5 的儲存解決方案
  • 具備使用 USB-C 輕鬆連接的功能7
Crucial X9 SSD 從桌上掉落影像


  • 防衝擊、防震動以及高達 2 公尺的可承受摔落高度4
  • 專為適應極端的溫度變動所打造
Crucial X9 SSD 與筆記型電腦和手機的影像


  • 提供高達 4TB 的容量
  • 備份您所有喜愛的檔案、照片和影片
  • 支援 Windows File History、Apple Time Machine 與 Acronis True Image
Crucial X9 SSD 搭配遊戲裝置影像


  • Micron 打造
  • 65 x 50 公釐的外殼設計,輕盈小巧且堅固耐用
  • 內建掛繩孔,滿足可攜性要求

1. 每秒 MB 速度是使用 Crystal Disk Mark(版本 8.0.4 適用 x64)並由 Crucial 測量,為高效能桌上型電腦上裝置的最大連續效能。實際效能表現可能有所差異。
2. 部分儲存容量將會使用於格式化及其他用途,無法用於資料儲存。1GB 相當於 10 億位元組。
3. 比較速度聲明量測依據主流 HDD 行動硬碟製造商旗下的最大回報速度。實際效能表現可能有所差異。
4. 從最高 7.5 英尺/2 公尺掉落在鋪有地毯的地面,不會對資料造成影響。
5. 相容性可能有所不同,視裝置格式和主機功能而定。相容的 Android 裝置必須能透過 OTG 與 USB 大容量存儲設備搭配使用。可能需要進行作業系統更新和重新格式化。
6. 按平均照片大小 6MB、H264 格式影片 4K/60fps 為 24GB/hr 以及 AAA 級遊戲檔案大小 200GB 計算。
7. 在 USB 3.2 Gen2 支援的裝置上使用 USB Type-C 對 C 傳輸線,可達到最佳速度。較舊版裝置則使用 USB Type-A 轉接器。
8. 以 exFAT 格式發貨。可轉換成 NTFS、APFS 等其他格式。重新格式化將導致磁碟機上的資料遺失。
9. 保固有效期為自原始購買日期起 3 年內,或寫入數已達產品資料表中所公佈和產品 SMART 資料所測量的最高總位元組寫入數 (TBW),以先到達者為準。
10. 購買符合資格的 Crucial SSD 可享有一個月的免費 Adobe Acrobat Pro 計劃。兌換前需要註冊 Adobe Acrobat Pro 和 Crucial 產品。符合條件的 Crucial X9 SSD:CT4000X9SSD9、CT2000X9SSD9、CT1000X9SSD9 必須在 2023 年 9 月 26 日至 2024 年 12 月 31 日之間購買。每次購買和註冊符合資格的 Crucial SSD 僅限兌換一次;每個 Adobe Creative Cloud 使用者帳戶最多可兌換兩次,必須接受適用的使用條款,啟用代碼送完即止。適用其他條款與條件。欲瞭解更多資訊。Micron Technology 保留隨時更改或終止此優惠的權利,恕不另行通知。


SSD SeriesP3 Plus
InterfaceNVMe (PCIe Gen 4 x4)
Total Density1TB
Kit Quantity1
Form FactorM.2 (2280)
SSD Endurance TBW220 總寫入位元組數(TBW)
Sequential Write3,600 MB/s
Sequential Read5,000 MB/s
保固Crucial 為不同產品提供不同層級的保固。



Review Snapshot

by PowerReviews

75 ReviewsWrite a Review
of respondents would recommend this to a friend
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Reviewed by 75 customers
Great thanks

Submitted 1 month ago

By Blacksins


Verified Buyer

It's great thank you vert mutch

Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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A few weeks in, happy customer

Submitted 2 months ago

By Jim

From Middle Tennessee

Verified Buyer

Product was the main storage with OS in a PC build. I chose this based off of other reviews and it has been perfect so far. Considering extended storage options in the future in which I will likely buy another.

Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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Purchased several for both Personal and Company reasons.

Submitted 3 months ago

By Reeco

From Scotland

Verified Buyer

Used to clone existing Dell drive but ended up configuring this as the main drive with a fresh install and used the original as temp storage.

Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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I woyld buy this product again

Submitted 3 months ago

By Marius

From Uk

Verified Buyer

Well done

Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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Submitted 4 months ago

By Joe

From Germany

Verified Buyer


Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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Good product. Works Great.

Submitted 4 months ago

By Bob

From Greenville, SC

Verified Buyer

Having this connected directly to the motherboard and not through SATA makes it so much faster. Computer boot up is almost instantaneous. Adobe Lightroom operates faster now.

Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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I don't regret buying it, it's fast and reliable

Submitted 5 months ago

By Yassine

From Grenoble, France

Verified Buyer

I recently upgraded my HP EliteBook 840 G3 (14-inch model) with a 1TB Crucial NVMe SSD, and it's been a great investment! At first, I was a bit skeptical – the laptop specs don't specifically mention support for Gen4 NVMe or the 2280 form factor (the longer type), so I was concerned about compatibility. But the Gen4 SSD worked perfectly in this setup, as Gen4 is backward compatible with Gen3. The 2280 form factor also fit without any issues, which may be helpful information for anyone with a similar model.

Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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Submitted 6 months ago

By Doudou

From France

Verified Buyer

Ni comment . Good job

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All very easy

Submitted 6 months ago

By BillD

From Derbyshire UK

Verified Buyer

Upgraded SSD in Lenovo laptop. Videos on website were all the support I needed. A good experience.

Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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Good Ssd nmve

Submitted 6 months ago

By Baka

From France

Verified Buyer

Used for gaming, storage and music

Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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